The Story
Ethan was diagnosed at age 7 with a rare genetic disorder known as MeCP2 Duplication Syndrome. Predominantly found in males, it is characterized by severe intellectual disability and impaired motor function. Although he was initially misdiagnosed as mentally disabled, Ethan was blessed to be paired with a doctor who specialized in MeCP2/Retts and has continued to treat with her. Having the right diagnosis opened opportunities for Ethan to be a part of studies, conferences and research opportunities. He is still fairly high functioning for a boy with MeCP2. However this disease has taken away from Ethan many of the abilities we take for granted. Please attend our virtually dinner on Feb. 9th at 6:30 PM as we honor Ethan and his family. You can also DONATE now with the HOG 100% of your donation goes to Ethan. Thank you for your support.